Hi! Welcome Back and Stay Tune! - 10:55 AM - Saturday, March 22, 2025 PICTURES FOR IDEAS : PORTABLE HOSE REEL WITH A CHAIR - Mukah Pages : Media Marketing Make Easy With 24/7 Auto-Post System. Find Out How It Was Done!

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Everybody love and enjoy home gardening. Just name it from planting colorful flowers and treating bonsai plants. Do you know most of that activity need water for maintaining the life of your garden? When it come to watering your beautiful garden you definitely will looking for a hose to water your plants. This where some small issues will crop up how you can maintain and organize your water hose so that it can last long!  What you need is some basic Hose Reel to tidy it up, right!

We come across some brilliants ideas from this coming pictures where the inventor has design and produce a rustic hose reel together with a chair where you can take a rest after watering your plants. This hose reel with a chair is movable because it has a wheels in it! Amazing yet creative!

Source : Rare Borneo

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