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You knew it was just a matter of time. Just weeks after Fortnite launched on iOS, Epic has confirmed that its battle royale title (and reall...Read More
Tidal recently came under fire for allegedly inflating play-counts on Lemonade and The Life of Pablo, which in turn resulted in higher payou...Read More
Tempat Wisata Kuliner di Balikpapan, merupakan suatu hal yang sangat mengasyikkan untuk kita bahas di bulan suci ini. Pasalnya selain memili...Read More
Liburan di Jogja memang memberikan kesan tersendiri untuk para wisatawan. Selain dikenal dengan kota pelajar, juga dikenal memiliki banyak d...Read More
Restoran-restoran Dekat Pantai di Bali yang Menyuguhkan Panorama Terindah – Wajar saja jika di Bali ada banyak sekali tempat indah di dekat ...Read More
Smartisan R1 merupakan smartphone yang baru saja dirilis oleh vendor ponsel asal China, Smartisan di Negeri Tirai Bambu. Keistimewaan utama...Read More
Oneplus 6 – OnePlus terkenal dengan selalu memberikan performa Smartphone Flagship mereka dengan harga yang lebih murah dibanding merek yang...Read More
Game Android Buatan Anak Bangsa – Hai sobat Klik Mania semua dimanapun kalian berada! Apa kabar dan welcome back guys. Teriring salam The p...Read More
Beberapa waktu yang lalu publik digemparkan karena adanya pembatalan perilisan varian Xiaomi Mi7. Sebagai ganti varian tersebut, ternyata me...Read More
This painter from China is proving to everyone that you don’t need hands to create amazing works of art — just pure dedication to master you...Read More
Aaron Schlossberg, the racist lawyer who recently went viral for his restaurant meltdown, has not only been kicked out of his office space I...Read More
Students napping in class will soon be a thing of the past with the aid of high-tech cameras currently being tested at a middle school in Ch...Read More
A company in China that manufactures a viagra-like drug saw its stocks increase sharply after publishing a report that 140 million men in th...Read More