BACK IN JANUARY10-YEAR-OLD WILLIAM ETHERTON, from England, landed with his family on Süderoog, one of a cluster of islands off Germany’s wes...Read More
Anyone who thinks that fairies are just in fairy stories might want to think again after seeing images that were captured by a security came...Read More
The snow that fell over the weekend was a mixture of snow and sand from the Sahara Desert. Those who live in the Eastern European mountains ...Read More
Did you know that in Tibet and India alone, there are more than 160,000 documented cases of people, who after many years of spiritual prepar...Read More
Snapchat has today introduced a new group video chat feature, letting users chat with up to 16 of their closest friends. If users need more...Read More
Without warning, Instagram has broken many of the unofficial apps built on its platform. This weekend it surprised developers with a massiv...Read More
Genius, the big database of song lyrics and musical knowledge, is today launching its own version of “stories,” the Snapchat and Instagram-...Read More
Welcome back to Mid-Week Meditations , Lifehacker’s weekly dip into the pool of stoic wisdom, and a guide to using its waters to reflect on...Read More
Many parents spend the winter furiously checking Forecast Bar, awaiting that moment in the future when their kids can finally go outside in...Read More
Here’s the deal(s). There’s a lot of press going around about an upcoming Verizon promotion. Starting tomorrow, Verizon is offering a few i...Read More
Some people can dig up great music like magic, or have friends inside the industry who keep them updated. Some people are contented with th...Read More
America’s transition from a pension system to a largely self-funded retirement system built around 401(k)s and IRAs has lead us to a retire...Read More
Peeling bell peppers before cooking makes them so silky they practically melt , but it does leave one with a lot of peels. You could use th...Read More
This year I signed up for my first half-marathon. I thought it would be good to challenge myself by working toward a goal, rather than just...Read More