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Pelakon Norman Hakim pada ketika ini masih lagi berada di tanah suci dalam fasa terakhir ibadah umrah Norman Hakim yang berkembara sendiria...Read More
LANGKAWI Sekiranya anda berminat untuk melihat bagaimana bentuk sistem mobiliti udara Pameran Maritim dan Aeroangkasa Antarabangsa Langkawi...Read More
Assalamualaikum Salam SejahteraTERENGGANU PERLIS26 29 3 2019FAMILY TRIPAktiviti petang ning beriadah je kat Taman tema katJiTRa Kedah plan ...Read More
The trial for Anna Delvey-Sorokin began, and prosecutors detailed an allegedly scammed $70,000 trip to Morocco with a private villa, butler,...Read More
Bernie Sanders, the independent democratic socialist senator from Vermont, has pushed the Democratic Party in a more progressive direction s...Read More
India fired a missile that destroyed one of its own satellites about 185 miles above Earth. Such anti-satellite tests should worry us all. ...Read More
Speaking to INSIDER, a Search and Rescue pilot and crewman detailed the tense, yet swift operation to get over 400 people off the Viking Sky...Read More
A federal appeals court in New York City is mulling over whether President Trump violates the First Amendment when he blocks his critics on ...Read More
Lightspeed Venture partner Chris Schaepe hired disgraced college-admissions coach Rick Singer to help his son get into the University of Tex...Read More