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Huawei Mate 10 Pro dilancarkan secara rasmi sebentar tadi di Munich. Jerman. Peranti ini mempunyai rekaan premium, rekaan nirbingkai, dwi-k...Read More
A 27-year-old Michigan man who allegedly raped and impregnated a 12-year-old girl nine years ago has just been granted joint custody of the ...Read More
SANDAKAN – Ketua Menteri Sabah Tan Sri Musa Aman yakin Pergerakan Wanita UMNO akan memainkan peranan berkesan untuk memastikan negeri ini t...Read More
Maaf jika post ni menyinggung sesiapa. Saya tak mahu anda buat kesilapan yang sama macam saya dulu. Bacalah dengan hati terbuka. Nescaya an...Read More
Actor Griffin Newman says he regrets his decision to act in a new Woody Allen movie, and will donate his salary to the abuse victims charity...Read More
David Copperfield adalah seorang ahli silap mata yang terkenal di dunia dan dia dikatakan mula bermain silap mata sejak berusia 12 tahun la...Read More
The storm, which is causing violent winds and rain in the Republic of Ireland, has had an altogether different effect on southern parts of t...Read More