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Maybank hari ini telah memulakan ujian untuk perkhidmatan pembayaran nirtunai mereka dinamakan Maybank QRPay . Melaluinya, Maybank menggunak...Read More
Starter Theme - Template Blog Simple SEO Terbaru untuk Indeks Google. Dirancang simple sebagaimana trend design website zaman now. Kecepata...Read More
EyeEm is unveiling new tools to help the brands and marketers using the site to source their images. Underlying these tools is a technology...Read More
Facebook today is launching a new feature designed to give users more control over what content they see in their News Feed: a “Snooze” but...Read More
Say “goodbye” (in the AOL voice, if possible) to Aol Instant Messenger. Back in October, Oath (the combined entity of Yahoo and Aol) announ...Read More
“Social media” is a clumsy term that entangles enriching social interaction with mindless media consumption. It’s a double-edged sword whos...Read More
In the midst of an reputational makeover, Taylor Swift is debuting a brand new app called The Swift Life. The app is a dedicated social net...Read More
Everyone’s least favorite ads are coming to Facebook, but six-second pre-rolls will only appear on original Watch tab videos you purposeful...Read More
Snapchat is finally opening up so outside developers can help it offer infinite augmented reality experiences beyond those it designs in-ho...Read More
Match Group, which houses a large portfolio of dating app brands – including most notably, Tinder, Match, and OKCupid – is prepping a notab...Read More
Twitter has disclosed that Russian-backed accounts spent $1,031.99 to buy six Brexit-related ads on its platform during last year’s Europea...Read More
WhatsApp has always said that it has no plans to put ads into its own app, but this is not stopping Facebook, which now owns WhatsApp, from...Read More