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Dewan Undangan Negeri Pahang hari ini dikejutkan apabila menteri besarnya, Datuk Seri Adnan Yaakob menanggalkan kasut dan mengangkat kaki ke...Read More
SHAH ALAM – Pemimpin Umno diingatkan agar tidak memandang rendah perang persepsi yang semakin menular kerana Umno-BN pernah menanggung akiba...Read More
Wujudnya Tugu Negara menjadi salah satu simbol penghormatan kepada perajurit yang telah berkorban apa saja bagi mempertahankan kedaulatan da...Read More
PETALING JAYA – Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan menggesa rakyat Malaysia dan pihak tertentu supaya berhenti me...Read More
VIENTIANE – Presiden Amerika Syarikat (AS), Barack Obama mendakwa Donald Trump tidak layak menggantikannya selepas calon Presiden daripada ...Read More
Can Najib Razak survive the 1MDB corruption scandal? The Malaysian Prime Minister came under increased political pressure in July when the U...Read More
Life has changed drastically for Olympic silver medallist Goh Liu Ying. She was barely known before the 2016 Rio Olympics , but these days s...Read More
BNM sebagai pihak yang bertanggungjawab sedang menjalankan siasatan terperinci dan memantau kes wang palsu RM100 dipercayai didalangi oleh s...Read More
KUALA LUMPUR – A chief executive officer of a biscuit factory was charged in the Magistrate’s Court here today with breaching a Customs orde...Read More
KUALA LUMPUR – Putrajaya is risking a subprime crisis if it lets developers assume the role of housing loan creditors who are allowed to cha...Read More
PETALING JAYA – Economists are divided over the direction of Bank Negara Malaysia’s Overnight Policy Rate (OPR) for the rest of the year on ...Read More
Mendidik anak zaman sekarang sanga mencabar. Sebagai orang tua, kita perlu menjadi model ikutan yang terbaik buat mereka. Mempunyai anak yan...Read More
GEORGE TOWN – Investigations of the Penang Regional Development Authority (Perda) allegedly selling land under the market value are being co...Read More
KUALA LUMPUR – Malaysian sovereign wealth fund Khazanah Nasional Bhd is divesting part of its stake in national power utility Tenaga Nasiona...Read More
KOTA KINABALU – Graftbusters have swooped in to arrest seven Bank Rakyat officers who demanded kickbacks and used falsified documents to ena...Read More
The following article is extracted from the West Australian of 7 September 2016 Passengers on a flight from Sydney to Kuala Lumpur found th...Read More
A very essential thing we have to do in order to have good health is to have the proper pH levels in our body. Our pH levels need to be abou...Read More
KUCHING: Mengapa guna khidmat jurutera atau perunding luar untuk projek dalam Negeri Sarawak, jika kita sendiri mempunyai tenaga pakar bidan...Read More
MO1 Tempelak Obama Sampai Bugis Terduduk ? ? Camno ? MO1 is reported to have told Obama face to face recently ‘ Nice seeing you Mr Presiden...Read More
This is what an ardent gambling enthusiast disclosed to me: “If the Malaysian government can collect revenue from illegal gambling there wil...Read More