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05/02/18 - Mukah Pages : Media Marketing Make Easy With 24/7 Auto-Post System. Find Out How It Was Done!
The parents of a 13-year-old girl, who was being harassed by an older man, are now facing criminal charges after they decided to take matter...Read More
Did you know? Keratosis Pilaris (also known as ‘chicken skin’ on the back of your arms) is a result of a fatty acid deficiency and vitamin A...Read More
Parkland, Florida – When a mass shooting occurs at a school, the assumption may be that the school will go on to increase its security with ...Read More
What busy person doesn’t love the idea of having a personal cup of coffee instantly with the push of a button. Many people are delighted whe...Read More
Spiritual symbols are powerful. Beneath the veneer of social norms they are being used in a hidden war. Not only have dark forces propagated...Read More
As one of the very few independent voices willing to stand up against the scientific dogma of our modern medical regime, I’ve long felt a ne...Read More
If you’re nuts about walnuts, you could be doing your health a huge favor. Several research studies have revealed that the benefits of walnu...Read More
A man who prevented Dubai lifeguards from saving his drowning 20-year-old daughter, saying he would rather she died than be dishonored by be...Read More
The FDA has detected significant levels of glyphosate, a commonly used herbicide, in a wide variety of foods — but it’s unlikely the agency ...Read More
With a drug war against marijuana still raging in more countries than not, the question of how long-term marijuana use effects the human bra...Read More
Facebook dan RED, pembuat kamera video resolusi yang cukup terkemuka di kalangan pembuat filem baru sahaja mengumumkan bahawa mereka akan be...Read More
Stories merupakan salah satu format baru yang telah diintegrasikan pada Instagram, Facebook, dan juga di WhatsApp. Melaluinya, pengguna ber...Read More
Perkhidmatan Telegram telah dihalang di Rusia gara-gara keengganan mereka berkongsi kunci penyulitan dengan kerajaan negara tersebut. Halang...Read More
Bulan lepas kami laporkan fungsi AltOS ( alternative operating system ) sedang diuji untuk komputer riba premium Chrome OS, Google Pixelbook...Read More
Facebook sebelum ini sedia mengintegrasikan format perkongsian dinamakan “Stories” ini pada pelbagai produk mereka, termasuk Instagram dan j...Read More
Minggu lepas peranti Xiaomi Redmi S2 tertiris di laman TENAA . Peranti ini dilihat mempunyai dwi-kamera menegak, skrin 5.99″ HD+ dan menjala...Read More
Reaktor janakuasa elektrik dicipta oleh Enrico Fermi pada tahun 1942. Ia dibina bukan untuk membekalkan kuasa elektrik tetapi sebaliknya ada...Read More
Peranti-peranti boleh-pakai Apple boleh dikatakan diantara peranti yang cukup popular sekali kerana ia digunakan oleh berjuta pengguna di se...Read More
Pada hari ini, terdapat sejumlah penawaran dompet digital untuk memudahkan transaksi nirtunai, termasuk daripada Maybank, Touch n Go , Boost...Read More
Hari ini Samsung Galaxy A6 dan A6+ telah dilancarkan secara rasmi. Kedua-dua peranti ini berbeza dari Galaxy A8 dan A8+ yang memasuki pasara...Read More
Adakah jualan iPhone merudum? Adakah Apple di ambang kejatuhan? Ini ialah dua persoalan yang terjawab pagi ini dengan pengumuman angka juala...Read More