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Walau apa pun yang kita lakukan, perancangan awal mesti dilakukan. Ia sebagai salah satu langkah yang perlu diikuti, dalam melancarkan sesu...Read More
PUTRAJAYA : Maznah Adnan, ibu kepada seorang daripada rakyat Malaysia di Korea Utara melahirkan rasa syukur dengan berita kepulangan anakny...Read More
Hasrat Lawat Ibu Tak Sampai|MERAPOH – Hasrat seorang wanita untuk melawat ibunya yang sakit di Hospital Kuala Krai tidak kesampaian apabila...Read More
A New Harvard study has found five keys to to raising a “good” kid – and we’re here to share those keys! SPENDING QUALITY TIME WITH YOUR CH...Read More
KUALA LUMPUR : Selepas 46 hari yang penuh tanda tanya, krisis Malaysia dan Korea Utara akibat kes pembunuhan seorang lelaki warganegara Kor...Read More
The recently released footage below, courtesy PETA investigators in South Africa, shows workers forcing terrified ostriches into stun boxes...Read More
KUALA LUMPUR : Kementerian Kerja Raya belum menerima maklumat terkini mengenai kajian kemungkinan dan reka bentuk terperinci projek terowon...Read More
Last week, 11 year old Billy Caldwell arrived back in Ireland after managing to secure legal, full spectrum cannabis oil in his home countr...Read More
KUALA TERENGGANU : Menteri Besar Terengganu Datuk Seri Ahmad Razif Abdul Rahman memberitahu Persidangan Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) hari in...Read More
A wise person once said, “if we know who buys our NASCAR drivers, shouldn’t we know who buys our politicians?” Helping to fill that void is...Read More
A breakthrough scientific study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association says that vitamin D supplements are totally use...Read More