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The wave of defections to join former Umno vice-president Shafie Apdal’s new party may grow stronger, analysts predict. And it won’t just b...Read More
Sebulan BERCERAI. Ini Luahan Farah Lee Di FB Yang Buat Ally Iskandar Jadi SAYU !!! | “Sekeping omma membawa diri,” demikian kata Farah Lee ...Read More
Sebulan BERCERAI. Ini Luahan Farah Lee Di FB Yang Buat Ally Iskandar Jadi SAYU !!! | “Sekeping omma membawa diri,” demikian kata Farah Lee ...Read More
Sebulan BERCERAI. Ini Luahan Farah Lee Di FB Yang Buat Ally Iskandar Jadi SAYU !!! | “Sekeping omma membawa diri,” demikian kata Farah Lee ...Read More
KUALA LUMPUR – Amicable co-operation between peninsula-based Opposition parties and their Sabah-based counterparts is viable, a national DAP...Read More
KUALA LUMPUR – Two Opposition newcomers want the prime minister’s tenure to be limited to two terms, but demurred when asked if they would p...Read More
KUALA LUMPUR – Khairy Jamaluddin might be the first Cabinet member to represent Malaysia as an athlete in an international sports tournament...Read More
KUALA LUMPUR – Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) protem vice-president Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir snubbed today an invitation from Umno...Read More
Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) will not seek clarification from the government nor the palace on what transpired at last month’s m...Read More
KUALA LUMPUR – Amicable co-operation between peninsula-based Opposition parties and their Sabah-based counterparts is viable, a national DAP...Read More
KUALA LUMPUR – Two Opposition newcomers want the prime minister’s tenure to be limited to two terms, but demurred when asked if they would p...Read More
KUALA LUMPUR – Khairy Jamaluddin might be the first Cabinet member to represent Malaysia as an athlete in an international sports tournament...Read More
KUALA LUMPUR – Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) protem vice-president Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir snubbed today an invitation from Umno...Read More
Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) will not seek clarification from the government nor the palace on what transpired at last month’s m...Read More
KUCHING: Dengan nada yang lebih mesra, Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri kawasan Jemoreng, Datuk Dr Juanda Jaya hari ini menzahirkan rasa pengharga...Read More
2 Orang Rakan Sebilik Aku Ni Cantik Jugak. Tapi Sejak Aku Tinggal Dengan Diorang Rupa-Rupanya… | Hello semua, ini aku nak cerita tentang bu...Read More
Hello semua, ini aku nak cerita tentang budak-budak rumah sewa aku. Nama aku Yuri, bukan nak berlagak tetapi aku berasal dari anak orang ber...Read More
Aku lihat berita kat Tv AlHijrah sebentar tadi. Antara tajuk utama berita malam ini ialah pasal isu murid tingkatan 1 kena rogol dengan muri...Read More
Baru-baru ini, Awal Ashaari telah memuat naik beberapa keping gambar dimana dia esdang menghadiri sebuah majlis perkahwinan di Langkawi. Pa...Read More
Meski kedua-duanya anak autisme, saya bersyukur, Tuhan tetap mengurniai beberapa kelebihan tidak tersangka. Muhammad Raizal Azrai (Azal) ini...Read More
Entah nape pagi2 ni aku tiba-tiba teringat memori rumah flat. Keluarga aku bukanlah kaya, susah pun tidak…sederhana je. Tapi nak beli rumah ...Read More