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Ketua Umum Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim akan bertanding kerusi Parlimen, namun belum menetapkan kerusi Parlimen yan...Read More
Wanita Itu Hiasan Dunia. Sebaik Wanita Adalah Wanita Yang Solehah. Setuju? Berhias Yang DILARANG Untuk Wanita. PENTING Untuk Wanita Semak S...Read More
Walau apa pun, semua manusia akan mati, dan akan dibangkitkan kembali. Allahu insaf. 7 CIPTAAN ALLAH YANG TIDAK AKAN HANCUR PADA HARI KIAMA...Read More
Rumahku Syurgaku. Kalau Rumah Kita Pun Tiada Rahmat, Bagaimana Mahu Hidup Bahagia. Kan? SUBHANALLAH. Inilah Perkara Yang Menjadi PUNCA Mala...Read More
Walau Kita Sudah Pun Tahu Yang Kiamat Semakin Menghampiri, Namun Apakah Persediaan Kita Untuk Akhirat. Mohon Tepuk Iman Masing-Masing Ye. K...Read More
Dari Allah Kita Datang, Kepada Allah Kita Kembali. Kepada Allah Kita Berbuat Dosa, Kepada Allah Kita Bertaubat. Allahu. DOSA Si Penggali Ku...Read More
Yang Paling Penting Kubur Kita Kelak Akan Bercahaya Dengan Iman, Tidak Gelap Dan Tidak Pulak Penuh Dengan Ular Yang Garang Subhanallah. Ras...Read More
Yang Paling Penting Berpeganglah Pada Al Quran Dan Sunnah, InsyaAllah Takkan Sesat Dari Jalan Yang Lurus. Pasti Ramai Tak Tahu Kenapa ISLAM...Read More
The US and North Korea are apparently in regular communication, engaging one another by phone, email, or message on an almost-daily basis ev...Read More
A majority of people in the UK want a referendum on the final Brexit deal and would vote to stay in the EU if asked again, according to a ne...Read More
Office occupancy startup WeWork is raising a further $1 billion in convertible debt from one of its existing investors, SoftBank. The unusua...Read More
At its Galaxy Unpacked event on Thursday, Samsung unveiled a brand-new smartwatch called the Galaxy Watch. The watch will come in three colo...Read More
The bomb instantly killed an estimated 60,000 to 80,000 people (the exact death toll is unknown), and led Emperor Hirohito to announce Japan...Read More
US District Court Judge TS Ellis, who has made a name for himself for his wit in the courtroom. admitted that he made a major mistake in the...Read More
caption The Chicago Tribune building is seen in Chicago source Thomson Reuters Former hedge fund manager William Z. Wyatt is leading a group...Read More
Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach’s narrow 200-vote lead over Gov. Jeff Colyer in the state’s Republican primary election for governor w...Read More