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NASA ingin menghantar wanita pertama ke permukaan bulan di bawah misi Artemis menjelang 2024 . Tetapi mereka mengakui kos misi ini mencecah...Read More
Banyak butiran dan juga gambar telah tertiris mengenai kad grafik kelas mampu-milik NVIDIA yang terbaru, iaitu NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Supe...Read More
Volocopter berjaya melakukan sebuah lagi ujian penerbangan teksi terbang mereka kali ini di Singapura. Penerbangan ujian selama dua minit y...Read More
Sejak pengenalan versi baru sistem operasi Android, iOS dan lain-lain, pelbagai pembangun aplikasi telah mula menawarkan pilihan tema gelap...Read More
Detox foot pads were first used in Japan. It is about stick-on pads that need to be placed on the soles of the feet before going to bed. Th...Read More
For most women who hope to become a mother, pregnancy is one of the most exciting and happy experiences they can go through. But for Malays...Read More
Are we living in a simulation? According to Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) professor and computer scientist Rizwan Virk, it’s ...Read More
DEEP STATE TAKE DOWN. The Corrupt money has become their End.http://bit.ly/2zbCGrD By the authority vested in me as President by the Consti...Read More