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We’ve written quite extensively about the benefits coconut oil and cannabis individually. But what happens when you combine the two super i...Read More
Terlajak perahu boleh diundur, terlajak kata buruk padahnya. Begitulah yang terjadi pada pengacara Donna Muslim apabila teruk dihentam pemin...Read More
Tiada langsung dalam bai’ah menuntut supaya setiap penerima Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M) harus membuang undi kepada Barisan Nasional (BN)...Read More
It has been estimated that around 185,000 people a year are affected by homelessness in England alone. For many of those affected, it is a ...Read More
Meroyan apa lagi lah anak pelakon Normah Damanhuri ni ek?? Sempena nak masuk tahun baru yang tinggal beberapa hari lagi ni, Liana Rosli tak ...Read More
Vladimir Putin has used his annual Christmas press conference to accuse Western liberal elites of abandoning the traditional values that ma...Read More
Teka-teki peminat mengenai krisis kumpulan Hyper Act akhirnya terlerai,dengan penjelasan dari Kechik di laman sosial beliau.. Kechik telah m...Read More
Salt is made up primarily of two elements, sodium and chloride (NaCl). It also has naturally occurring trace elements of calcium and potass...Read More
DIBELIT Ular Besar Semasa Dihanyutkan Tsunami, Apa Yang Terjadi Selepas Itu Memang MENGEJUTKAN !!! | PADA tarikh ini, 26 Disember tahun 200...Read More
Permua Clash of Clans ialah antara yang paling popular tahun ini dengan lebih 20 Juta pemain aktif setiap hari. Kepopularannya kemudian mem...Read More
Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS) hari ini mendakwa parti serpihan mereka, iaitu Parti Amanah Negara (PAN) tidak lagi amanah. Ini kerana parti s...Read More
Most of us generally assume that intelligence is inherited from both parents. But that’s not quite the case. There’s only one parent who ge...Read More
Being someone who used to suffer from sinus infections, I can attest to the disruption they cause – the breathing difficulties, the pressur...Read More
Dwi kamera ialah fungsi paling popular sepanjang 2016. Walaupun diperkenalkan oleh HTC One M8 beberapa tahun yang lalu, fungsi kamera berke...Read More
The Russian military has delivered some 45 tons of presents collected by thousands of the country’s kids for children of the same ages in w...Read More