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The US is not as innocent as it may seem, according to President Donald Trump. When Fox News host Bill O’Reilly called Vladimir Putin “a ki...Read More
Kisah sedih memang menjadi asam garam dalam kehidupan manusia lebih-lebih lagi melibatkan pengorbanan dan begitu indahnya cinta. Begitu juga...Read More
In 2007, Kevin Morton Jr. was shot in the stomach during his night shift at a Detroit’s Arby. He had just closed up the restaurant and was ...Read More
Sorang mangsa langgar lari di New Delhi maut selepas kehilangan banyak darah manakala orang ramai yang berada di tempat kejadian dan melihat...Read More
Sangat derita jika anda melahirkan anak di Haiti dengan kelengkapan serba kekurangan terdapat insiden di mana ada di kalangan mereka yang di...Read More
We somehow instantly think of white whenever we hear about unhealthy and refined foods. In most cases, white, unhealthy foods, have a healt...Read More
Masih ingatkah anda suatu ketika, susu diviralkan sebagai satu agen penurunan berat badan? Malah, harga yang dijual pun bukan calang-calang,...Read More
If you’re a lover of animals like me, you’ve probably witnessed or heard about some unusual animal friendships before. Well let me tell you...Read More
Melangkah ke tahun baru 2017, senarai 40 orang paling kaya di Malaysia telah pun diterbitkan. Robert Kuok kekal mengungguli tangga pertama s...Read More
Cockroaches are known for their resilience. It turns out they can even survive inside your skull for a certain amount of time, as one India...Read More
Tiny pieces of art can make the place beautiful. I’m eager to make something like this in my home. There are a few places in my home that a...Read More