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02/08/17 - Mukah Pages : Media Marketing Make Easy With 24/7 Auto-Post System. Find Out How It Was Done!
B asuki Tjahaja Purnama, or simply “Ahok” , the first ethnic-Chinese governor of Jakarta , was thrown into hot soup last year when he explai...Read More
Many people like to eat watermelon, but rarely of those who noticed the great benefits of watermelon seeds. Watermelon seeds have great ben...Read More
As his career continues to free fall into total irrelevance, pop star “Bono” of the rock group U2 has announced his support for a U.S.-back...Read More
If you care about the way your skin is aging or if you want more youthful skin, check out one major reason we end up with wrinkles and sagg...Read More
According to the FDA your refrigerator should be 40 degrees Fahrenheit or colder, preferably between 35 and 38 degrees. At this temperature...Read More
Aktivis Persatuan Pengguna Islam Malaysia (PPIM), Saudara Yusuf Azmi telah ditahan oleh pihak berkuasa hari ini berikutan komen beliau menge...Read More
Numerous claims have been made in recent years that support the result of one of the biggest security breaches in the history of the US mil...Read More
Have you ever wondered how ginger helps fight diseases. Research shows that it has bioactive compounds that fight leukemia, ovarian, prosta...Read More
The government in Vienna is working on amendments to Austrian laws that would allow troops to be sent to other European countries to help t...Read More
Samsung sebelum ini sedia mengumumkan mengenai acara media khusus yang dijadualkan pada 26 Februari 2017 kelak bersempena dengan Mobile Worl...Read More
Rumah yang aku beli baru-baru ini ada ruang tanah sikit. Tak besar mana tapi dalam 2 atau 3 kangkang kera. Aku memang saja beli rumah yang a...Read More