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Sometimes things are just better said with a GIF, but adding a GIF to an email exchange is sometimes easier said than done. This week Gyftc...Read More
If you’re looking to escape the heat this weekend with a good movie binge-watching session, Apple is currently running a pretty amazing dea...Read More
I think I’ve owned at least ten guitar tuners over the course of my lifetime. I guess technically I still own ten, because I haven’t offici...Read More
Google has been steadily improving its smart speaker with updates facilitating more fluid conversations, as well as the addition of routine...Read More
There’s a saying that you can’t take stuff with you when you die. And as far as your debts go, that’s because they keep accumulating here o...Read More
Peak Design , maker of our readers’ favorite camera bags , is diving headfirst into the travel market, and you can save on its entire new t...Read More
Happy weekend, and welcome back to 3-Ingredient Happy Hour , the weekly drink column featuring super simple yet delicious libations. Today ...Read More
Meeting dogs is fun, so we get why you might want to meet all of them, even service dogs. But it’s crucial— life-saving —that you recognize...Read More
I’ve learned that I can transform any leftovers into a completely acceptable breakfast if I do but just one thing: Put an egg on it. Leftov...Read More
It’s probably been a while since you signed up for internet service, but you should have an idea of how fast your plan is. If not, give you...Read More
It’s wise not to put so much pressure on a first date that you create impossibly high expectations. You’ll only make yourself nervous and l...Read More
Turkey burgers are the egg white omelets of the burger world. Known for being dry, bland, and decidedly unsexy, I almost didn’t see a point...Read More
Over half of Amazon sales come from third-party items. But the reviews on those items are not trustworthy . Following a BuzzFeed News repor...Read More
We’re turning the lens around for this week’s Tech 911 . Lifehacker Managing Editor Virginia Smith posed a question in our internal Slack c...Read More
Jika ramai wanita lain di luar sana menolak untuk bermadu, lain pula dengan pelakon Datin Seri Umie Aida yang dengan rela hati memberikan ke...Read More
PULAU PINANG – Sekumpulan lebih 100 ahli NGO hari ini berarak membantah P. Ramasamy yang didakwa terlibat dengan kumpulan pengganas di Sri L...Read More
Seorang wanita meninggal dunia selepas terjatuh. Selepas jenazah dikuburkan, suami terdengar bunyi pelik dari dalam kubur. Rasa tak sedap ha...Read More
Aliff Syukri memuat naik 1 video di laman rasmi instagram beliau menunjukkan dia sedang menangis dan dari raut wajah dia memang nampak dia s...Read More
SERDANG – Seorang warga emas berusia 80 tahun dipercayai telah tinggal di sebuah pondok bas selama hampir setahun setelah dihalau keluar dar...Read More
Seorang wartawan yang dengar banyak perkara baik tentang orang Jepun cuba buat rakaman aksi mereka ketika berada di lintasan jalan. Hasilnya...Read More
Dalam ucapan sulung Najib dalam parlimen, beliau kritik kerajaan PH telah bawa Malaysia ke zaman mundur. Lepas ditanya wartawan, ini jawapan...Read More
A young University of Iowa student made headlines recently after she disappeared during an evening jog—but she is just one of the dozens of ...Read More
Though the FBI is often credited with solving crimes, the bureau’s assistance comes at a cost. The futility of trusting the FBI to defend t...Read More
In the spring of 2012, when I was living near the coastal village of Sechelt, on British Columbia’s picturesque Sunshine Coast, I began hear...Read More
To the shock of many, Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential elections, becoming the 45th president of the United States. Not least shocked ...Read More
Bersama-sama pengenalan Android P tidak lama lagi , salah satu peranti yang turut dinantikan ramai pengguna seluruh dunia adalah Google Pixe...Read More