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MUSIM panas seperti sekarang ini banyak peluang perniagaan yang anda patut cuba antaranya ialah ‘ Bisnes Aiskrim ‘ yang boleh dilakukan dari...Read More
Kapanlagi.com – Perkembangan teknologi memang memberikan banyak manfaat, namun di sisi lain juga membawa dampak buruk bahkan hingga kematia...Read More
GEORGE TOWN : Kerajaan DAP Pulau Pinang belum membuat keputusan muktamad berhubung permohonan pihak pemaju untuk menurunkan harga siling ru...Read More
PEMAIN JDT Gabriel Guerra diasak pemain Global FC Wesley Dos Santos pada perlawanan Piala AFC di Stadium Tan Sri Hassan Yunos Larkin. – Fot...Read More
DENGAN keadaan semasa yang membebankan disebabkan kos sara diri yang tinggi dan kenaikan harga barang. Kini, anda boleh buat pilihan samada ...Read More
GEORGE TOWN : Kerajaan DAP Pulau Pinang belum membuat keputusan muktamad berhubung permohonan pihak pemaju untuk menurunkan harga siling ru...Read More
The state of Texas has long been known as a land of cowboys, guns, and ranches. It’s known worldwide as part of the “wild west” and has the ...Read More
The attacks on President Trump aren’t enough for liberal lunatics who won’t be satisfied until they take the entire Frist Family down — seem...Read More
Liberals and media have been pushing the alleged Trump-Russian collusion talking points now for months. But Russians met with Hillary Clint...Read More
Drain the swamp. It’s something we heard many times during Trump’s 2016 campaign and there is no doubt the idea of cleaning up D.C. resonat...Read More
Merdeka.com – Badan Narkotika Nasional Propinsi (BNNP) Jawa Tengah (Jateng) menangkap tersangka Luthfi Setiawan, warga Poncol Gang 14 Nomor...Read More
Menantu saya mengandung kini suaminya sudah tiada-Bapa Arwah|Kematian Mohamad Fandi Rosli, 26, yang maut dalam kemalangan di Pulau Pinang p...Read More
While cat-calling may seem like a harmless way to compliment women, it can actually be pretty intrusive. Many women want to be able to walk ...Read More
While cat-calling may seem like a harmless way to compliment women, it can actually be pretty intrusive. Many women want to be able to walk ...Read More
Breitbart has obtained a never-before-released hidden tape that could RUIN Paul Ryan forever! See the video below! The tape is from a priva...Read More
W ahhabism is the main source of global terrorism, as identified by the European Parliament in July 2013. Wahhabism is so influential becaus...Read More