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Google dan Apple bersama-sama sedang berperang dengan Fortnite. Ia bermula apabila Epic Games berjaya memintas sistem pembayaran di App Sto...Read More
Untuk pengguna iPhone, kedai aplikasi yang ditawarkan hari ini adalah hanya Apple App Store, kerana kawalan pihak Apple yang sekaligus meng...Read More
Hari ini, Fortnite telah dibuang daripada Apple App Store selepas Epic Games memperkenalkan kaedah pembelian tersendiri yang tidak perlu me...Read More
In what will likely turn into the largest pedophile bombshell in recent history, Sir Edward Heath, the former Prime Minister of the United ...Read More
The pharmaceutical industry is fighting back against efforts by the Trump administration to make prescription medications more affordable f...Read More
Kerajaan Amerika Syarikat dibawah pentadbiran Donald Trump telah pun mengumumkan akan mengharamkan aplikasi WeChat menjelang 20 September k...Read More
Presiden Trump mengeluarkan arahan eksekutif yang mengharamkan syarikat dari A.S dari melakukan transaksi perniagaan dengan Tencent dan Byt...Read More
Decorated former CIA officer, Robert David Steele, has gone on record to reveal that President Trump is “at war” with the shadow government...Read More
Comedian George Carlin is known as one of the most controversial and outspoken entertainers of his time, and as far as the government is co...Read More
Fans of the beloved animated series “Avatar: The Last Airbender” were distraught and baffled when the creators announced on Wednesday that ...Read More
Following a two-year investigation into Yale University’s undergraduate admissions process, the Department of Justice has deemed the practi...Read More