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04/19/19 - Mukah Pages : Media Marketing Make Easy With 24/7 Auto-Post System. Find Out How It Was Done!
While most older Asian parents are less inclined to express their feelings for their children using words , they often more than make up for...Read More
A train ride in Tokyo, Japan is catching the attention of many users on social media with their stunning views of cherry blossoms from the w...Read More
For all the historical milestones an “underdog” boy group from a small label in South Korea has surpassed in the name of K-pop, it’s an abso...Read More
The obese American passenger who infamously left Taiwanese flight attendants traumatized after asking them to wipe his butt for him has rep...Read More
Khamis , 18-04-2019 – Seorang nelayan Palestin pada pagi Ahad cedera ditembak apabila tentera laut rejim israel melepaskan tembakan ke arah ...Read More
Rejim Zionis telah mengeluarkan kenyataan bahawa mereka telah mengumpul 10 rakyat Palestin semsa membanteras aktiviti anti pendudukan. Warta...Read More
KUALA LUMPUR: Mahkamah Tinggi di sini hari ini, diberitahu yang kerja pengubahsuaian bilik stor dan kabinet dapur di kediaman bekas Perdana ...Read More
Itu luahan Rizal Sahputra Abdul Hamid, individu yang terselamat selepas hanyut 100 batu nautika dari Banda Aceh di Lautan Hindi, selama semb...Read More
JAKARTA: Presiden Indonesia, Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo hari ini mengisytiharkan kemenangannya dalam pilihan raya presiden republik itu, sekali g...Read More
Hadi kongsi pertemuan mesra dengan Daim : Mereka bertemu ketika pengerusi Majlis Penasihat Kerajaan itu ke Terengganu untuk program Bicara D...Read More
KUALA LUMPUR: The prime minister’s special envoy to renegotiate the East Coast Rail Link (ECRL) contract with China has assured local contr...Read More