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The largest mechanism used by the bloodlines to implement the New World agenda is the global secret society network. Politicians, bankers, b...Read More
Retired CIA analyst and outspoken antiwar activist, Ray McGovern, who chaired the National Intelligence Estimates and prepared the President...Read More
It’s a $100 million MTA project shrouded in secrecy, with 18 of them for tunnels and bridges. So what are they exactly? The MTA’s man in cha...Read More
Operation Highjump. During this secretive mission, grand admiral Richard Byrd led a team of military personnel in an Antarctic expedition at...Read More
Amidst heightening tensions between the United States and Russia, researchers at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University have de...Read More
Telling the truth about a scandal that hasn’t been approved by the legacy media and their owners often yields a predictable result: You’ll b...Read More
Nikola Tesla was one of the greatest scientific minds our world has ever known. Although mysteriously absent from school textbooks, he accom...Read More
The Pizzagate topic has been one of great controversy, and for good reason – if true, the implications of the allegations are huge. It would...Read More
It seems to feel like some people just cannot help themselves when it comes to cheating but that is no excuse to stay with them. You might t...Read More
The planet is hot and getting hotter. But while most plans to use geoengineering to alter the weather have been rather hypothetical, now a p...Read More