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02/19/18 - Mukah Pages : Media Marketing Make Easy With 24/7 Auto-Post System. Find Out How It Was Done!
Private companies such as Coca-Cola and Nestlé are allegedly in the process of privatizing the largest reserve of water, known as the Guaran...Read More
As news of the tragic shooting in Parkland, Florida dominated the airwaves this week, a massive hostage situation—which was quickly turning ...Read More
As Democrats indict Russians over “election meddling,” former CIA officers say the US has been interfering in foreign elections for decades ...Read More
It’s getting harder to convince people that chemtrails are merely a conspiracy theory when even meteorologists are discussing geoengineering...Read More
Mexican inspectors discovered a sedated two-month-old Bengal tiger cub packed into a plastic container Wednesday. Someone has attempted to e...Read More
AKIBAT mahu bersama dengan lelaki lain dan kemurungan akibat kegagalan rumah tangganya, seorang ibu muda dikenali sebagai Nur Saskia Wati, 1...Read More
Pelakon filem Juvana ini dikatakan mengamuk di laman Twitter miliknya semalam. Berdasarkan beberapa tweet miliknya, Adam Shahz seolah mempun...Read More
Usahawan kosmetik yang kini bergelar penyanyi, Datuk Seri Aliff Syukri dituduh menggunakan pelaris untuk menjual produk keluarannya. Aliff ...Read More
FOTO mesra antara Zul Ariffin dan Neelofa mencetuskan perdebatan antara netizen. Menerusi entri yang dimuat naik oleh pengarah Michael Ang ...Read More
KUALA LUMPUR: Seorang pembekal alat ganti mesin dan jentera dipenjara sebulan dan denda RM10,000 oleh Mahkamah Sesyen di sini, hari ini, se...Read More
BINTULU: Dua pencuri kabel terpaksa menempuh azab selepas dibelasah sekumpulan penduduk rumah panjang di Sungai Setulai, di sini, petang se...Read More
TASEK GELUGOR: Buat pertama kalinya, masjid jamek di sini menganjurkan rumah terbuka sempena Tahun Baharu Cina bagi meraikan masyarakat Tio...Read More
BAGHDAD: Mahkamah di sini menjatuhkan hukuman mati ke atas seorang wanita Turki dan 11 yang lain dipenjara seumur hidup kerana terbabit den...Read More
Ulama berselisih pendapat tentang hukum makan tupai. Jumhur (mayoritas) ulama berpendapat bahwa makan tupai hukumnya halal. Sementara sebaha...Read More
It says the report was baseless because it was based on a research finding without hard facts and evidence produced by three scientists bas...Read More
From 11pm, about 200 tourists stranded at the middle station, located about 650 metres above sea level, and another 300 at the upper statio...Read More