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04/30/18 - Mukah Pages : Media Marketing Make Easy With 24/7 Auto-Post System. Find Out How It Was Done!
To understand the zombie-like lives of sheeple, we need to first investigate the word sheeple, so we know what it means. According to Merria...Read More
Quantum Physics shows that everything in our universe is energy. The particles that form everything are not standing still but are vibrating...Read More
Negative energy is something that we all face sometimes. It can be surrounding us without us even noticing and if you are someone facing it,...Read More
MAKSUD DRUGSTORE YANG RAMAI RUPANYA MASIH TAK TAHU . Terpanggil makcik lekat lekit nak menulis pasal ni. Bukan apa makcik kan sangat prihati...Read More
Barisan Nasional candidate Loo Jieh Sheng had his posters vandalised, with the first one torched last Friday. Facebook/Jason Loo 卢界燊 For the...Read More
Dr Mahathir’s latest short film shows him explaining his political mission in a conversation with two children as he sobs emotionally. Youtu...Read More
The New Paper The first person charged under Malaysia’s new Anti-Fake News Act has been reported to be a 46-year-old Dane national of Yemeni...Read More
Mahathir Mohamad transformed Langkawi from a sleepy fishing village into a tourist hot spot by years ago. Berita Harian At the peak of his 2...Read More
Highlights Sign-up with Lakala as the 1st merchant in Malaysia to facilitate cross border payments in Business Circle APP Enables Circle In...Read More
Sebelum ini kita sedia melihat HP menawarkan sebuah kamera dilengkapi pencetak kepada umum, dinamakan Spocket. Kini, LG turut mengikut jejak...Read More
Huawei Malaysia hari ini mengumumkan penawaran awal Huawei P20 Pro dalam pilihan warna “ Twilight “, dimana ia akan ditawarkan bermula 4 Me...Read More
LG G7 ThinQ akhirnya akan dilancarkan rabu ini setelah beberapa kali maklumat mengenainya tertiris. Setakat ini LG telah mengesahkan ia aka...Read More
Ciri rakaman video gerak-perlahan telah menjadi salah satu ciri popular yang mula diintegrasikan ramai pengeluar peranti pada telefon pintar...Read More