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When was the last time you used a digital device to, in some way, confirm your identity? If you’re like most consumers, it was probably tod...Read More
Google has made its lightweight YouTube Go app available to Android users in more than 130 countries, making it easier to enjoy videos on t...Read More
Noted cybersecurity-turned-cryptocurrency expert John McAfee made an interesting bet on Bitcoin last year. As the world’s largest cryptocur...Read More
The US patent office today revealed a United Parcel Service (UPS) patent application for a computerized item exchange “locker bank” that ac...Read More
It’s been five years since Grand Theft Auto V came out, so naturally it’s time to start asking when the next game in the series is coming o...Read More
Anyone who has visited Peru will tell you that it’s a country with one foot in the past and one in the future. Lima, the fifth largest urba...Read More
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella doesn’t seem worried about Alexa’s arrival on Windows, despite Amazon’s clear market dominance. At a recent inv...Read More
Crowdfunded hardware is full of horror stories. Sometimes products are delayed ad infinitum. Perhaps worse, sometimes the products simply d...Read More
The latest service to throw its weight behind chat client Discord is Spotify, as the two services today announced they’re joining forces. A...Read More