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Trump shamelessly mocks Ford at rally as more Kavanaugh dirt surfaces


If President Trump's statement Tuesday morning that it's a "very scary time for young men in America" had you screaming into the void, just wait until you watch him mock Christine Blasey Ford.

At an evening rally in Mississippi, Trump ridiculed Ford's emotional Senate testimony against his Supreme Court pick Judge Brett Kavanaugh, who Ford says sexually assaulted her when they were in high school in the 1980s. 

While Ford has said she is certain it was Kavanaugh who trapped her on a bed, groped her, and covered her mouth so she couldn't scream for help at a summer party, as his friend watched, she has also noted that other memories from the night are hazy. She doesn't remember how she got home, for exampleIt's common for sexual assault victims to remember the attack in great detail, but experience other memory gaps.   Read more...

More about Trump, Sexual Assault Allegations, Brett Kavanaugh, Christine Blasey Ford, and Culture

✍ Source : ☕ Mashable

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