Anwar Shoots Himself In The Ass Condemning Police For Deporting Seven Terrorist Suspects
PKR chief Anwar Ibrahim today accused police of rushing into deportation
of seven foreigners accused of links to terrorist group
saying no consultation with Putrajaya before send them back to Egypt, Tunisia
PD MP said checks revealed that police acted unilaterally in deporting the men without consulting the relevant ministers or Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
“Malaysia must act based on accurate information and not depend on claims by foreign intelligence. We must be wary of countries that do no follow due process of law,” Anwar said in a statement.
Police said they arrested and deported SEVEN men
two from Egypt and Tunisia accused of links to Ansar Al-Sharia Al-Tunisia
organisation listed as terrorist group by United Nations
of seven foreigners accused of links to terrorist group
saying no consultation with Putrajaya before send them back to Egypt, Tunisia
PD MP said checks revealed that police acted unilaterally in deporting the men without consulting the relevant ministers or Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
“Malaysia must act based on accurate information and not depend on claims by foreign intelligence. We must be wary of countries that do no follow due process of law,” Anwar said in a statement.
Police said they arrested and deported SEVEN men
two from Egypt and Tunisia accused of links to Ansar Al-Sharia Al-Tunisia
organisation listed as terrorist group by United Nations
Here is Anwar's statement in full:

First of all, Anwar's own media statement refers to himself in the third person.
"Kenyataan media Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim" says "Ahli Parlimen Port Dickson itu. . ."
Siapa pula "Itu"? Ini Media Statement hang sendiri.
Bukan Media Statement orang lain.
Its a small point, like the flying car, but it shows a confused mind.
Ok just by reading it first off I can detect some serious ignorance in Brader Anwar's klentong.
Setelah merujuk kepada Menteri Dalam Negeri, Menteri Luar dan Perdana Menteri ?
I say Brader Anwar, pasai apa hang tak rujuk kepada Menteri Pertahanan sekali? Abang Mat merajuk nanti. Ini isu keselamatan negara. What about Menteri Pertanian? Mesti ada isu yang boleh melibat sikit-sikit kelibat dia.
Anyway Police said that FIVE of the Arabs who were deported were members of the Muslim Brotherhood or the Ikhwanul Muslimin. Some others were members of Ansar Shariah al Tunisia or something. Police said there were also links to Al Qaeda etc.
But this is NOT the first time the Police are deporting terrorist suspects. The same news report (by FMT) says :
'The move to deport the foreigners contrasts with the authorities’ decision to drop immigration-related charges against 11 Uighur men who entered Malaysia after escaping jail in Thailand. Malaysia then defied Beijing by sending the men to Turkey, amid fears that they could face torture in China.'
How come Brader Anwar DID NOT complain when those 11 Uighurs who had escaped from a jail in Thailand were deported to Turkey? A deportation is still a deportation.
Then Brader Anwar said :
"Kita perlu mewaspadai tindakan negara yang tidak tunduk kepada proses undang-undang adil," katanya lagi.
Which negara are you talking about? Hang dah lupa kah kes Ummi Hafilda dulu? Ada orang suruh Polis pi tangkap Ummi Hafilda kemudian 'gempaq sikit-sikit' Ummi untuk paksa Ummi tarik balik kenyataan bertulis membocor fe'el se ekoq makhluk di Malaysia. Hang dah lupa kah kes itu?
Ok takpa jangan kita ungkit cerita lama.
Tetapi siapa bagi tahu hang bahawa Polis tak tahu prosedur atau tak tahu SOP
dan Polis tidak boleh buat 'keputusan pengusiran tanpa merujuk terlebih dahulu kepada Menteri dan Perdana Menteri' ?
I say Brader Anwar, who told you this rubbish?
Polis tergesa-gesa?
Either Brader Anwar really does not understand the Law or he is deliberately ignoring the law. I think it is both.
Even under our old fashioned Criminal Procedure Code, the Police have the obligation and power to investigate any wrongdoing deemed an offense, under any criminal statute. Then the Police also have SOSMA, POTA, NSC Act and whatever else.
Under the concept of "separation of powers" between the Police (the law enforcers), the Attorney General's Chambers (the independent public prosecutor) and the judiciary (who finally decides the case) upon completion of the Police investigation, the investigation papers are then submitted to the Attorney General’s Chambers for further instructions.
Not only is the power of the Attorney General clearly specified in the Federal Constitution but the Constitution emphasizes the fundamental need to maintain the separation of powers between the legislative, executive and the judiciary.
Nowhere does the Federal Constitution say that the Police must refer their investigation to the Minister of Home Affairs, the Minister of Foreign Affairs or even the Prime Minister. That can by itself create exactly that imbalance which the constitution intended to avoid. Obviously Brader Anwar does not understand these simple principles of democracy. Separation of powers.
He wants the Police to refer to the Minister, the Prime Minister, the Foreign Minister before they handle a simple case of deporting suspected terrorists.
So the soalan cepu mas hari ini ialah, kenapa pula seorang Ahli Parlimen Malaysia masuk campur perkara yang di bawah bidang kuasa dan siasatan Polis dan ingin menyimpang daripada lawful procedure yang sudah pun wujud sekian lama dalam negara kita?
Apakah agenda tersirat Brader Anwar?
Apakah Brader Anwar tidak tahu bahawa dalam konteks menangani cross border terrorism yang merentas sempadan antarabangsa, kerjasama dan pertukaran intel antara agensi-agensi perisikan antarabangsa adalah amat penting?
Pada waktu serangan 9-11 dulu, kita dapat tahu (kemudian) bahawa terrorist dan operatif Al Qaeda yang terlibat 9-11 telah masuk Malaysia lebih awal lagi, pada Disember 1999.
Siapa yang beri maklumat itu kepada kita?? Bukan MGR.
Yang memberi maklumat itu adalah agensi perisikan asing.
But we got that information only AFTER 9-11. Too late.
Apabila Hizbollah masuk ke dalam negara kita pada 2000 pihak Polis telah berjaya menangkap mereka. Siapa yang bagi tau kepada Polis ? Agency perisikan asing lah.
Dan banyak lagi kes terrorist.
Kes pengganas LTTE, pengganas Khalistan Sikh terrorist.
Semua kes ini melibatkan kerjasama Polis Malaysia dengan agensi perisikan antarabangsa.
So Brader Anwar jangan tunjuk jahil too much ok.
Kerjasama antara agensi perisikan antarabangsa termasuk SB kita yang membantu menjaga keamanan negara dan keselamatan orang awam.
Tetapi sudah pasti Polis kita pun membuat siasatan tersendiri.
Maklumat daripada agensi perisikan antarabangsa adalah maklumat tambahan.
Contohnya Polis mendedahkan bahawa suspek bangsa Mesir itu ditangkap atas sebab dia telah menyediakan dokumen dan flight ticket untuk anggota Ansar al Shariah Tunisia.
Ini adalah "facts on the ground" atau evidence here inside Malaysia.
Bukan maklumat daripada agensi perisikan asing.
Brader Anwar faham ke apa bezanya 'facts on the ground' berbanding dengan maklumat daripada agensi asing?
Kenyataan Media IGP jelaskan bahawa mereka telah ditangkap bawah SOSMA. Mereka telah mengaku sebagai anggota Muslim Brotherhood (di mana Yusuf Qardawi adalah mursyidul am "tidak rasmi") dan mereka bertindak sebagai fasilitator kepada dua anggota Ansar al Syariah Tunisia.
Dua orang daripada mereka mengaku terlibat dengan Ansar al Syariah dan pernah bertempur di Libya. Sila baca Kenyataan Media IGP dua hari lepas.
Ok can Tommy Thomas our AG please speak up. It is you Sir, the AG who must have made the decision to charge those people in Court over that 'insulting Islam' thing. Now "balanced" ?? by that one Muslim fellow insulting Hinduism thing ??
Similarly I am positive the Police would NOT have deported these SEVEN Arabs back to their sh_thole countries WITHOUT the OK from the AG's Chambers.
So Mr Tommy Thomas please own up to your responsibilities and educate Brader Anwar that it was YOU, the AG's Chambers who gave the OK for those SEVEN terror suspects to be deported.
Knowing our Policemen I doubt they will do anything WITHOUT an OK or an approval from people above them. Saya yang menurut perintah and all. So it must have involved the AG's Chambers.
Brader Anwar feels that you should ask the Minister's, Prime Minister's permission first (and he wants to be the 8th PM) before you deport any terror suspects back to their sh_thole countries. He is pretty blur on the concept of separation of powers.
I say setengah masak Malaysian Media, please call the AG's Chambers and ask Mr Tommy Thomas to explain the AGC's role in this deportation exercise. Thank you very much. AGC maksudnya Attorney General's Chambers.
To conclude, here is some Hari Ini Dalam Sejarah.
Hello young people. (And old people as well). Do you know these two guys here in the picture:
The first guy was Abdullah Sungkar (he has since died). The fellow in the cage is Abu Bakar Bashir. Both of them were founders of the arch terrorist Jemaah Islamiyah.
In 1985 both these guys escaped from Indonesia. And swam over to Malaysia. They stayed in Malaysia until 1998 - the year Suharto fell from power. For 13 years in Malaysia they were given PR status here. Guess which Minister helped these two get their PR?
Then they went around the country instigating religious fanaticism. Abu Bakar Basyir and Abdullah Sungkar also set up the terrorist JI linked Madrasah Lukmanul Hakim in Ulu Tiram Johor.
The Malaysian government finally shut down this madrasah in 2002.
Why did our government shut down this madrasah in 2002?
Because that was the year of the Bali bombing.
In that year Abu Bakar Bashir and the Jemaah Islamiyah were identified as the culprits behind that infamous Bali bombing.
And who was that Bali bombing's bomb maker?
It was a guy called Professor Azahari Husin - from Melaka - who taught at UTM Skudai in Johor. Azhari Husin was recruited by Abu Bakar Bashir as a JI member and was a 'strong follower' at the Madrasah Lukmanul Hakim in Ulu Tiram, Johor.
This is just some sejarah or history.
Here is one last picture.
First of all, Anwar's own media statement refers to himself in the third person.
"Kenyataan media Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim" says "Ahli Parlimen Port Dickson itu. . ."
Siapa pula "Itu"? Ini Media Statement hang sendiri.
Bukan Media Statement orang lain.
Its a small point, like the flying car, but it shows a confused mind.
Ok just by reading it first off I can detect some serious ignorance in Brader Anwar's klentong.
Setelah merujuk kepada Menteri Dalam Negeri, Menteri Luar dan Perdana Menteri ?
I say Brader Anwar, pasai apa hang tak rujuk kepada Menteri Pertahanan sekali? Abang Mat merajuk nanti. Ini isu keselamatan negara. What about Menteri Pertanian? Mesti ada isu yang boleh melibat sikit-sikit kelibat dia.
Anyway Police said that FIVE of the Arabs who were deported were members of the Muslim Brotherhood or the Ikhwanul Muslimin. Some others were members of Ansar Shariah al Tunisia or something. Police said there were also links to Al Qaeda etc.
But this is NOT the first time the Police are deporting terrorist suspects. The same news report (by FMT) says :
'The move to deport the foreigners contrasts with the authorities’ decision to drop immigration-related charges against 11 Uighur men who entered Malaysia after escaping jail in Thailand. Malaysia then defied Beijing by sending the men to Turkey, amid fears that they could face torture in China.'
How come Brader Anwar DID NOT complain when those 11 Uighurs who had escaped from a jail in Thailand were deported to Turkey? A deportation is still a deportation.
Then Brader Anwar said :
"Kita perlu mewaspadai tindakan negara yang tidak tunduk kepada proses undang-undang adil," katanya lagi.
Which negara are you talking about? Hang dah lupa kah kes Ummi Hafilda dulu? Ada orang suruh Polis pi tangkap Ummi Hafilda kemudian 'gempaq sikit-sikit' Ummi untuk paksa Ummi tarik balik kenyataan bertulis membocor fe'el se ekoq makhluk di Malaysia. Hang dah lupa kah kes itu?
Ok takpa jangan kita ungkit cerita lama.
Tetapi siapa bagi tahu hang bahawa Polis tak tahu prosedur atau tak tahu SOP
dan Polis tidak boleh buat 'keputusan pengusiran tanpa merujuk terlebih dahulu kepada Menteri dan Perdana Menteri' ?
I say Brader Anwar, who told you this rubbish?
Polis tergesa-gesa?
Either Brader Anwar really does not understand the Law or he is deliberately ignoring the law. I think it is both.
Even under our old fashioned Criminal Procedure Code, the Police have the obligation and power to investigate any wrongdoing deemed an offense, under any criminal statute. Then the Police also have SOSMA, POTA, NSC Act and whatever else.
Under the concept of "separation of powers" between the Police (the law enforcers), the Attorney General's Chambers (the independent public prosecutor) and the judiciary (who finally decides the case) upon completion of the Police investigation, the investigation papers are then submitted to the Attorney General’s Chambers for further instructions.
Not only is the power of the Attorney General clearly specified in the Federal Constitution but the Constitution emphasizes the fundamental need to maintain the separation of powers between the legislative, executive and the judiciary.
Nowhere does the Federal Constitution say that the Police must refer their investigation to the Minister of Home Affairs, the Minister of Foreign Affairs or even the Prime Minister. That can by itself create exactly that imbalance which the constitution intended to avoid. Obviously Brader Anwar does not understand these simple principles of democracy. Separation of powers.
He wants the Police to refer to the Minister, the Prime Minister, the Foreign Minister before they handle a simple case of deporting suspected terrorists.
So the soalan cepu mas hari ini ialah, kenapa pula seorang Ahli Parlimen Malaysia masuk campur perkara yang di bawah bidang kuasa dan siasatan Polis dan ingin menyimpang daripada lawful procedure yang sudah pun wujud sekian lama dalam negara kita?
Apakah agenda tersirat Brader Anwar?
Apakah Brader Anwar tidak tahu bahawa dalam konteks menangani cross border terrorism yang merentas sempadan antarabangsa, kerjasama dan pertukaran intel antara agensi-agensi perisikan antarabangsa adalah amat penting?
Pada waktu serangan 9-11 dulu, kita dapat tahu (kemudian) bahawa terrorist dan operatif Al Qaeda yang terlibat 9-11 telah masuk Malaysia lebih awal lagi, pada Disember 1999.
Siapa yang beri maklumat itu kepada kita?? Bukan MGR.
Yang memberi maklumat itu adalah agensi perisikan asing.
But we got that information only AFTER 9-11. Too late.
Apabila Hizbollah masuk ke dalam negara kita pada 2000 pihak Polis telah berjaya menangkap mereka. Siapa yang bagi tau kepada Polis ? Agency perisikan asing lah.
Dan banyak lagi kes terrorist.
Kes pengganas LTTE, pengganas Khalistan Sikh terrorist.
Semua kes ini melibatkan kerjasama Polis Malaysia dengan agensi perisikan antarabangsa.
So Brader Anwar jangan tunjuk jahil too much ok.
Kerjasama antara agensi perisikan antarabangsa termasuk SB kita yang membantu menjaga keamanan negara dan keselamatan orang awam.
Tetapi sudah pasti Polis kita pun membuat siasatan tersendiri.
Maklumat daripada agensi perisikan antarabangsa adalah maklumat tambahan.
Contohnya Polis mendedahkan bahawa suspek bangsa Mesir itu ditangkap atas sebab dia telah menyediakan dokumen dan flight ticket untuk anggota Ansar al Shariah Tunisia.
Ini adalah "facts on the ground" atau evidence here inside Malaysia.
Bukan maklumat daripada agensi perisikan asing.
Brader Anwar faham ke apa bezanya 'facts on the ground' berbanding dengan maklumat daripada agensi asing?
Kenyataan Media IGP jelaskan bahawa mereka telah ditangkap bawah SOSMA. Mereka telah mengaku sebagai anggota Muslim Brotherhood (di mana Yusuf Qardawi adalah mursyidul am "tidak rasmi") dan mereka bertindak sebagai fasilitator kepada dua anggota Ansar al Syariah Tunisia.
Dua orang daripada mereka mengaku terlibat dengan Ansar al Syariah dan pernah bertempur di Libya. Sila baca Kenyataan Media IGP dua hari lepas.
Ok can Tommy Thomas our AG please speak up. It is you Sir, the AG who must have made the decision to charge those people in Court over that 'insulting Islam' thing. Now "balanced" ?? by that one Muslim fellow insulting Hinduism thing ??
Similarly I am positive the Police would NOT have deported these SEVEN Arabs back to their sh_thole countries WITHOUT the OK from the AG's Chambers.
So Mr Tommy Thomas please own up to your responsibilities and educate Brader Anwar that it was YOU, the AG's Chambers who gave the OK for those SEVEN terror suspects to be deported.
Knowing our Policemen I doubt they will do anything WITHOUT an OK or an approval from people above them. Saya yang menurut perintah and all. So it must have involved the AG's Chambers.
Brader Anwar feels that you should ask the Minister's, Prime Minister's permission first (and he wants to be the 8th PM) before you deport any terror suspects back to their sh_thole countries. He is pretty blur on the concept of separation of powers.
I say setengah masak Malaysian Media, please call the AG's Chambers and ask Mr Tommy Thomas to explain the AGC's role in this deportation exercise. Thank you very much. AGC maksudnya Attorney General's Chambers.
To conclude, here is some Hari Ini Dalam Sejarah.
Hello young people. (And old people as well). Do you know these two guys here in the picture:
The first guy was Abdullah Sungkar (he has since died). The fellow in the cage is Abu Bakar Bashir. Both of them were founders of the arch terrorist Jemaah Islamiyah.
In 1985 both these guys escaped from Indonesia. And swam over to Malaysia. They stayed in Malaysia until 1998 - the year Suharto fell from power. For 13 years in Malaysia they were given PR status here. Guess which Minister helped these two get their PR?
Then they went around the country instigating religious fanaticism. Abu Bakar Basyir and Abdullah Sungkar also set up the terrorist JI linked Madrasah Lukmanul Hakim in Ulu Tiram Johor.
The Malaysian government finally shut down this madrasah in 2002.
Why did our government shut down this madrasah in 2002?
Because that was the year of the Bali bombing.
In that year Abu Bakar Bashir and the Jemaah Islamiyah were identified as the culprits behind that infamous Bali bombing.
And who was that Bali bombing's bomb maker?
It was a guy called Professor Azahari Husin - from Melaka - who taught at UTM Skudai in Johor. Azhari Husin was recruited by Abu Bakar Bashir as a JI member and was a 'strong follower' at the Madrasah Lukmanul Hakim in Ulu Tiram, Johor.
This is just some sejarah or history.
Here is one last picture.
Tulis baik-baik ya . .
✍ Sumber Pautan : ☕ Malaysians Must Know the TRUTH
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