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Stubborn Malaysian Abused “Express Counter” in Tesco Despite Being Advised Not To

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Humans come in all shapes and sizes, all colours and culture. However, unfortunately for us, some come with no brains as well.

Recently, Facebook user Victor took to Facebook to express his bewilderment after a lady didn’t quite get how an ‘express lane’ in Tesco works, especially when she was already informed by the cashier.

Stubborn Malaysian Abused "Express Counter" in Tesco Despite Being Advised Not To - World Of Buzz 1

“I was at Tesco yesterday night when this happened.

A couple went to the express lane which had clear indications that it was meant for customers with 10 items or less and ignored the signs. They had around 3 dozen items in their cart and insisted to pay at that counter even when the cashier had informed them that it was meant to be an express counter.

Her partner even pointed out that it was an express counter as they were getting into that lane, but she brushed it off. I verbalized it from the next lane, and she ignored me.

So now, I think she ought to gain fame for being an ignorant stupid idiot. Please share if you agree.”

Stubborn Malaysian Abused "Express Counter" in Tesco Despite Being Advised Not To - World Of Buzz  Stubborn Malaysian Abused "Express Counter" in Tesco Despite Being Advised Not To - World Of Buzz 2

Malaysians shared the original poster’s frustrations while some blamed the cashier for attending to her.

“People like her only make Malaysians look bad and uncivilized.”

“The cashier is also to blame. She shouldn’t even layan her. Although understand lah that customer is always right and Tesco will not want drama to start.”

“WOW look at all those items! She don’t know how to read the sign is it?”

Either way, let’s be considerate consumers and we must always to be courteous.

Just remember, this is not an issue about skin colour. No matter what race, there will ALWAYS be a few rotten apples. Especially when stupidity only comes from oneself.

The post Stubborn Malaysian Abused “Express Counter” in Tesco Despite Being Advised Not To appeared first on World Of Buzz. I, the owner of design-directed.com fully agree that by copying World Of Buzz's content, the minimum punishable amount would be at least a minimum of $100,000. I am fully aware, liable and ready to bear any form of damages.

Contributer : World Of Buzz http://ift.tt/2cATfSW

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