50% of All Colon Cancer Deaths Could Be Avoided If Everyone Did These 10 Natural Things
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) which is part of the World Health Organization has revealed in 2015 that processed meat is the main cause of colon cancer in people of all ages. They are now listing this food as a Group 1 carcinogen. Colorectal cancer affects the colon and rectum and is the 3rd most diagnosed cancer in the USA alone. By the end of 2016, experts estimate that the disease will affect close to 100 000 people, while rectal cancer may affect about 40 000 people.
The colon is an important organ that forms, stores and eliminates waste materials while also containing beneficial bacteria which are vital for your health. Luckily, the disease is preventable, with only 5-10% of the affected people getting it by the way of genetics. 35% of the cases are caused by an unhealthy diet, 30% are caused by tobacco, 20% are caused by infections and the rest of the cases are caused by environmental factors and stress. The IARC suggests that a third of all cases of cancer can be prevented with a healthy lifestyle and diet, and you can reduce the risk of colorectal cancer by 50% with the following methods:
Consume fruit and vegetables more often. Both types of foods are rich in antioxidants and minerals such as magnesium that can fight the disease. According to studies, a 100 mg. increase in your magnesium intake can reduce the risk of colorectal tumors by 13%, while reducing the risk of colorectal cancer by 12%. Magnesium’s anti-cancer effect may be linked with its ability to reduce insulin resistance in the body. The phytochemicals in fruits and vegetables will also reduce inflammation and fight carcinogens, while regulating the rate of reproduction of your cells and maintaining your DNA.
Vegetables also contain a lot of fiber, which can reduce the rate of cancer. Cruciferous vegetables contain sulforaphene, that can suppress the growth of colon cancer-derived tumors, while dry plums can restore the beneficial bacteria in your gut. By increasing your daily fiber intake, you will reduce the risk of colorectal adenoma and distal colon cancer. The risk decreases by 10% with every 10 gr. of fiber your add to your daily diet.
According to a 2005 study, dried plums can reduce the risk of colon cancer due to the high amount of fiber and polyphenols. Other great fiber sources are chia seeds, flaxseeds, hemp seeds and seed husks.
According to another study, people with higher vitamin D levels in their body are less likely to develop colorectal tumors, as vitamin D is crucial for the immune system and can help your body fight diseases. Immune cells in tumor microenvironment can convert 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] [vitamin D] to bioactive 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3, which influences neoplastic and immune cells, while high plasma 25(OH)D level is associated with lower risk of colorectal cancer with intense immune reaction, supporting a role of vitamin D in cancer immunoprevention through tumor–host interaction,” it was written in the study. The best way to increase your vitamin D intake is to sunbath regularly, or take a vitamin D3 supplement that can get your vitamin D levels in the optimal range of 50-70 ng/mL.
Avoid or completely throw out processed meats from your diet. Cured, salted and smoked meats such as bacon, pastrami, ham, pepperoni, hot dogs, sausages and hamburgers contain far too chemical additives and nitrates which are harmful to your health and are associated with a higher risk of numerous types of cancers. Eating red meat should be avoided as well. This type of meat has been found to increase the risk of colorectal and other types of cancer. This type of meat usually comes from CAFO animals which are fed with grains full of glyphosate, which is the main ingredients in the herbicide RoundUp, a known carcinogenic. When cooked at high temperatures, red meat releases heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). If you can’t live without red meat, go for organic grass-fed meat and cook it lightly.
Regular exercise is also vital if you want to prevent colon cancer. A study has showed that physically active men and women have a 40% lower risk of colon cancer. Exercise reduces your insulin levels which play a big part in reducing cancer risk, and also induces apoptosis in cancer cells.
According to numerous experts, obesity is one of the main factors of colorectal cancer. According to a 2014 study which involved more than 5 million people, increasing your weight by 11 pounds on average increases the risk of 10 different types of cancer. Losing excess belly fat is very important, as this type of fat is associated with colon cancer. Excessive smoking and drinking may be the reasons as well. Although 1 drink along with a meal per day is allowed, more than that significantly increases the risk of cancer.
According to lab studies, garlic is one of the best natural remedies against cancer. Women who eat garlic regularly had a 35% lower risk of colon cancer, while aged garlic extract helped people suffering from colorectal and pancreatic cancer improve their immune system. When consuming garlic, make sure to crush it before consumption so it can release allicin, a rare compound that is the source of all health benefits of the vegetable.
Men and women above 50 are advised to take regular screenings with flexible sigmoidoscopy every 5 years and a colonoscopy at 10. Ultrasounds can also help to find polyps in the early stages of the disease, when they can be safely removed. However, colonoscopy is harmful for your health as most endoscopes are cleaned with Cidex, which doesn’t do a proper job.
Here’s how to lower your risk of colorectal cancer:
- Cut out sugary drinks and sodas from your diet;
- Try to take at least 10 000 steps a day;
- Consume more green tea which contains catechins that can fight cancer;
- Eat more steamed broccoli;
- Consume more Brazil nuts as they contain selenium, a mineral that can reduce the risk of several types of cancer;
- Eat artichokes as they contain silymarin, a powerful antioxidant that can fight cancer;
- Sunbath regularly to increase your vitamin D levels;
- Always marinate your meat in spices, beer or wine that can lower the formation of cancer-causing substances in meat;
- Eat resistant starches (green bananas) to lower the risk of colorectal cancer;
- Take a high-quality krill oil and reduce your intake of vegetable oils;
- Sleep in darkness as light can suppress your melatonin production;
- Eat more onions. They are rich in quercetin, an antioxidant that can fight breast, colon, prostate ovarian, lung and endometrian cancer;
- Avoid exposure to environmental toxins;
- Avoid French fries and fried foods;
- Eat fermented vegetables to stock up on isothiocyanates, indoles and sulforaphane, powerful anti-cancer compounds.
Source : http://ift.tt/1X1jz7K
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