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How To Use Watermelon As a Medicine


Watermelon is everyone`s favorite summer fruit! In addition to its refreshing taste, watermelon provides a wide plethora of health benefits as well.

It contains L-citrulin, an amino acid which helps the muscle recover after an intense training, which makes it beneficial for athletes.

Scientists from the University of Cartagena Spain claim hat fresh watermelon or fresh watermelon juice are the best solution for muscle pain and soreness.How To Use Watermelon As a Medicine

According to “Daily Mail”, these scientists found that L-citrulin in watermelons accelerates the elimination of lactic acid from the muscles.

The lactic acid content often causes itchy sensation and muscle tightening after an intense workout. It has been scientifically proven the consumption of watermelon and watermelon juice prior to training prevents these issues.

Watermelon contains more L-cutrulin than any other fruit. In fact, 120 g watermelon has over 150 mg of this amino acid.

It also contains high levels of magnesium and vitamins A, B6 and C, which regulate high blood pressure and promote kidneys and cardiovascular health.

Watermelon Seeds Are An Excellent Remedy For Kidney Stones

With this being said, it becomes clear that watermelon provides many health benefits. However, did you know that its seeds are as healthy as the fruit?

Chinese folk medicine has widely used watermelon seeds to treat kidney stones due to their high magnesium and potassium content.

To prepare this remedy, you need to crush and grind 4 tablespoons of watermelon seeds and then boil them in a pot filled with 2 liters of water for about 15 minutes.

Watermelon is abundant in nutrients but low in calories. To reap its health benefits, consume it on a regular basis during summer.

Nutrition Facts of Watermelon

Watermelon acts as an amazing body cleanser due to its high water content but it is low in calories. It also contains magnesium, fibers, citric acid, lycopene, sugar, zinc folate, phosphorus. protein, cellulose, potassium, nitric acid, iodine, calcium, copper, malic acid, beta-carotene, and vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and C.

Its large amounts of vitamin B6 make it able to improve mental abilities and relieve stress while the vitamin C content and beta-carotene prevent heart diseases and chronic inflammation.

Watermelon has the ability to help cure various health issues, such as anemia, acne, asthma, arthritis, bronchitis, bladder issues, cellulite, decreased immunity, excessive weight, high cholesterol, high temperature, insect bites, kidney stones, skin inflammation, and urethra problems.

It also improves blood`s pH level and cleanses the blood vessels from fatty deposits. It works as diuretic and helps relieve burns and skin issues. All you have to do is to apply fresh watermelon juice onto the affected area.

However, diabetics and people with high triglycerides levels should limit their intake of watermelon.

The Best Way to Consume Watermelon

For optimal results, consume watermelon cold. Feel free to combine it with watermelon juice or other fresh juices of your choice. Of course, you can add it into desserts as well.

It is recommended to consume watermelon all summer long as it compensates the lost fluids and minerals. It also detoxifies the body and protects from various diseases.



Source :   http://ift.tt/WWSjNx

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