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With 2 Bananas Daily For A Whole Month, This Happens To The Body

Bananas are the one of the healthiest fruits in the world! They are abundant in nutrients, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and natural sugars like fructose and sucrose.With 2 Bananas Daily For A Whole Month, This Happens To The Body

Nutritional Value (100 g)

Calories per serving: 89

Calories from fat: 0

Total fat: 0

Protein-1 g

Vitamin A: 1%

Calcium: 1%

Vitamin C: 15%

Iron: 1%

Sodium 1mg

Carbs: 23 g

Fibers: 3 g

Sugar:12 g

Statistics shows that banana is the most consumed fruit in the U.S,  even more than apples and oranges. Bananas are green when we buy them, but they quickly turn yellow and brownish. Some people prefer green banana, despite the fact that ripe bananas contain more TMF and are healthier.

What is TNF?

The riper the banana, the more TNF it contains. This compound is the one which fights cancer and cancerous cells in the body. It reduces inflammation in inflamed areas and it boosts immune system cells and their responses.

According to a recent study, bananas with high TNF content prevent tumor from spreading, which in turn causes death of cancer cells.

They also boost immunity and the production of white blood cells. Therefore, the next time you buy bananas, opt for brown ones.

Additional Benefits of Bananas

  1. They maintain basal temperature ( eat more bananas during summer days or when having a fever)
  2. The vitamin B content relaxes the nervous system and manages PMS/ stress
  3. They treats constipation and improve digestion/ bowel movements
  4. They are low in sodium and high in potassium, which makes them useful against heartburn and high blood pressure but beneficial for heart health
  5. Due to their high levels of vitamins and minerals, they boost energy and prevent cramps
  6. Due to their iron content, bananas stimulate the production of hemoglobin and treat anemia
  7. They soothe the stomach lining and protect the stomach from acids, which makes it beneficial for stomach ulcers
  8. Bananas contain tryptophan which helps overcome depression
    Source : beautyandappearance.com

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