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The Most Popular Tea Bags Contain Illegal Amounts Of Deadly Pesticides (Avoid These Brands At All Costs)

Even though pesticides protect plants from insects, they contain chemicals which are harmful for the human body. No matter how hard you try to avoid them and stick to organic produce, it turns out that pesticides are literally everywhere and simply cannot be avoided. For instance, the parks, school playgrounds, and even the produce you buy at the supermarket are sprayed with these harsh chemicals.

On the top of that, it has been found that pesticides find their way into your home even if you purchase organic produce and wash it thoroughly prior to consumption.  A recent study has found that a couple of tea brands, such as Lipton, Tetley and Twinings contained high pesticide levels.

Pesticides in Tea

A couple of popular tea brands were included in this investigation. Among them are:

  • King Cole
  • Signal
  • Uncle Lee’s Legends of China (Green Tea and Jasmine Green Tea)
  • No Name
  • Twinings
  • Tetley
  • Red Rose
  • Lipton (Pure Green Tea and Yellow Label Black Tea)

To determine the pesticide residue on tea leaves, the researchers used a method which is actually the one used by national Food Inspection Agency.  It has been shown that more than half of the samples contained pesticide residues which go beyond the limit. Moreover, 8 of the 10 tea brands were found to contain various types of chemicals. In fact, one of the tested tea brads contained 22 types of pesticides!

Monocrotophos and endosulfan, found in the tea brands are known to have detrimental effect on both human health and the environment. For this reason, many countries have banned the use of these chemicals.open-tea-bag

Which Are the Best and Worst Tea Brands?

Some of the tea brands contained extremely high levels of pesticides while some of them contained amounts which are considered normal. Check out the list below:

King Cole: This tea doesn’t contain as many types of pesticides as the rest, but it is still loaded with toxins such as monocrotophos, which has been associated with arrhythmias and involuntary defecation.

Uncle Lee’s Legends of China (Green Tea): This brand was found to contain more than 20 different pesticide types, including endosulfan. This chemical is banned in many countries due to its detrimental effects. It has been scientifically shown that it may cause tremors and many other adverse effects on the nervous system.

No Name:  Although it has been found to contain lower levels of pesticides than Uncle Lee’s Green Tea, it was still loaded with 10 different types of pesticides.

The bad news is that these findings didn’t really make much difference. For instance, the vice president of Uncle Lee’s Legends of China, the brand with the highest amount of pesticides, claims that this information doesn’t really matter as all brands come with the same risks.

If you drink tea, regular tea, I don’t care what brand is that, the fact of life, this agricultural product does have pesticides,” he stated.

With this being said, it becomes evident that he neglected the fact that one of the samples was free of pesticides. We are talking about Red Rose, a tea brand which was found to be completely free or pesticide residues.

It is recommended to opt for pesticide-free products and support minor companies rather than buying popular tea brands which are loaded with chemicals!


Source :   http://ift.tt/1esH4m3

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