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Theocracy overtaking whatever little left of choices in multi-ethnic/religious Malaysia? — Abdul Aziz Abdullah

JUNE 12 — I write in response to news articles quoting the Mufti of Kelantan advising non-Muslim ladies to “.... dress conservatively .... and refrain from eating and drinking in front of Muslims .... during the month of Ramadan ... .”

Having spent a good 62 years living in this beautiful, multi-ethnic, multi-religious, multi-cultural and peaceful beloved nation of Malaysia, I’m unable to fathom from where this edict emanates and why it should be so declared.

The act of a Muslim fasting is supposed to test his/her  resilience in forsaking the base desires that may reside in his/her psyche, with the additional dictat to refrain from partaking in what many assume is a ‘basic essential’ i.e. need for food and drink between dawn to dusk.

It is supposed to take place under normal, daily circumstances and environment, not one of a ‘controlled’ nature.

To even ‘advise’ that non-Muslims should wear apparel that will not trigger desires as well as persuade the non-Muslims in refraining from eating in the presence of Muslims practising their faith, is, in my mind, inappropriate.

What trial of perseverance and faith will Muslims undergo if the environment is cleansed of the ever present challenges and ‘stimulations’ for which, as I understand it, we, the Muslims, are supposed to be put to test?

Additionally, who are we, the Muslims, to have the ‘power’ to dictate to the others as to how they should dress and where to carry out their daily nutritive intake?

On the one hand we claim that Malaysia is constitutionally-guaranteed to be a multi-ethnic and multi-religious country; we absorb and savour all the religious holidays of faiths other than the Muslims unreservedly, but, now, we feel it proper to demand the non-Muslims abide to such ridiculous edicts simply because we are undertaking one of the pillars of the Muslim religious conviction?

I discern creeping theocracy into whatever little semblance of choices that Malaysians have, especially for the non-Muslims!

*This is the personal opinion of the writer or publication and does not necessarily represent the views of Malay Mail Online

from Malay Mail Online | All http://ift.tt/1Xgu61f

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